Write a story that contains an assassin as a character.

They do not have to be the main character, and you could take a twist on the real meaning of the word assassin.

Survivors Guilt

I had always thought my life was destined to be tragic, after all I’m the daughter of the most hated person alive. He was a killer and everyone knew it, he was born into a big crime family being the son of the most famous crime boss of all time. He had a lot of enemies just from his reputation of being the guy to shoot any opposition that disrespected the family. He’d been close to death many times and he stopped trusting everyone. He became so loyal to the family the that he stopped caring for his own. He would neglect us and when he was around he’d beat on my mother or verbally abuse her. One day he hit my mother so hard she hit her head and lost consciousness, he made her nurse her own injuries and threatened to kill us if we told. Because of this my mother really lost her mind and relied on drinking to deal with my father. She would cry in her mirror at night and repeat to herself “I’m ruined, I’m ruined.” I vowed when I was of age I’d avenge my mother.

I had been preparing for this day my whole life, it had to be perfect. I learned everything from my father, how to do things right so nothing could go wrong. My heart raced as I witnessed my father walking out of the old Inn with a mystery women. I had been following my father so my timing could be perfect. After dropping the women off he drove to the restaurant I had always heard about, my mother described it as a place for the worlds most vile and ruthless people to meet and discuss their carefully crafted plans.

I sat and watched as my father waited in his car for the other men to arrive and right on cue they did. My father got out his car and made his way to a short old man and shook his hand while others gathered greeting one another. After they greeted each other they all disappeared into the fancy restaurant. I looked in the mirror inside of my car and reassured myself that everything would be ok. My head spinned as I started the timer and gathered myself, I only got one shot at this and it’s now or never. I called my mother who sat at home not aware of the scene that was about to play out, we talked about dinner and I assured her that I’d be home on time. Before I hung up the phone I told my mother to pray for me and that I loved her so much, we said our goodbyes and I looked at the timer and it knew I had to go through with it.

I got out of my car and made my way through the back where my bag had been stashed in a upper cabinet. I traveled to the bathroom avoiding the many eyes that seemed to at bay. The restaurant was relatively empty with a few diners including my fathers big group sitting on the side where it was private and spacious. I went to the bathroom and collected myself, I gave my self 15 seconds to walk away watching til it ticked to zero. Taking my time I made my way from the bathroom through the restaurant til I was only a few steps from the table. I held my breath and walked to the table where I came face to face with the man that caused all my distress and ruined my once bright and outgoing mother. I pulled out the gun my father had taught me to shoot, the gun he had made me take a part and put back together a number of times, the gun he had used for his first hit now in my hands.

In his eyes I saw no fear, he looked at me and I couldn’t read him. His eyes were lifeless with no soul behind them, dark with no remorse like he played this scene out a million times and knew how it would end. As he stood from the chair all the “civilians” rushed out the restaurant, he stood in front of me and fell to his knees the emotion never seeping out, almost as if he was already dead on the inside.

“Do you think this is a game ?” I inquired trying to remain calm, knowing if I let any emotion out he’d prey on it.

He stared at me with his mocking eyes, he taunted me without having to say anything. He smirked as if it was a joke and didn’t take me seriously. Without thinking I slapped him as hard as I could and I saw his eyes change and then nothing.

He plastered a smile on his face as he spoke,

“Do you love me?,Do you love your mother ?”

I couldn’t believe he asked me this, this wasn’t about us. He damaged my mother and it was time for him to pay.

“Its okay, you don’t have to love me. My wife does.” He smiled up at me, he had a way of making my skin crawl.

“You could’ve killed her.” My words came out cold as my patience ran thin.

The men at the table long gone as my father dismissed them a few minutes ago. It was just us two now.

“I saved her.” He snapped at me, his reaction frightened me because it was unsuspected. He put his head closer to the gun and closed his eyes.

“Do you feel guilty, you did this to yourself ?! I barked feeling my anger come out. Typical for him to make it about himself. My finger babysat the trigger and my heart felt like it was gonna explode.

“I regret nothing, I did what I had to do.” With no emotion he relaxed his shoulders as if accepting his fate.

“May I make a call, all I need is 30 seconds.”

He pleaded and reluctantly I agreed to let him make one last call. He dialed a number and waited as it rang.

“Unfortunately there’s no way we can do this, If I go, you go remember?” He talked in a soft tone to the person on the other end, he spoke as if he was saying goodbye. I wondered who was on the other end. He told them to count to 30 before doing whatever it is they had previously discussed. He hung up the phone with a smile on his face, he looked at peace in a disturbing way.

“You keep pointing that gun at me, kill me sweetheart…no mercy. I’m ready darling.”

I looked him in his eyes as I felt a single tear fall, I wasn’t just losing a father but a mentor and a tormentor. The king was ready to be slain and I was the assassin. I cocked the pistol and raised it to his head, my breath hitched and my legs trembled as there was no turning back. I closed my eyes and fired, I kept them closed for a few seconds before opening my eyes to see my father dead on the ground, his eyes close with a eery smirk on his face. I raised the gun again and emptied the case inside of him just because I needed to make sure he was dead. I wanted to ruin him like he ruined my mother, I wanted him to feel what we felt. I left the restaurant and went back to my car with a feeling of unease and uncertainty, how was I going to explain this to the family. I saw my sister had attempted to call me and seeing how many missed calls there were I called back immediately.

“She’s gone, I don’t know what happ-“

My sister sounded frantic, I cut her off because she was talking too fast and her words were inaudible.

“Slow down, whats wrong ?” I tried to sound calm though my adrenaline was still rushing from the hit.

“Mom was on the phone with dad and locked herself in the bathroom, I heard him tell her to count to 30 and after that I heard a loud bang. The ambulance is on the way now. She’s dead, she shot herself. He made her do it.” Her words were sinking in and it made sense, he preyed on her weakened mind and influenced her. She wasn’t in her right mind and he manipulated her.

“Wheres dad, can’t we get him arrested or something?” She questioned as I could hear the sirens in the back.

“Hes gone, I’m on way just stay there and don’t say anything to nobody til I get there.” I demanded almost shocking myself with the change in my voice.

I started my car and drove home where police waited on the side as my uncle carried my mother out to the front lawn. The whole family was there and as usual they looked terrifying.

I made my way over to my traumatized sister and the rest of my fathers family. My aunt Rita came over to me, leading me to a secluded area to talk. I had heard about Rita, she was one of only a selective group of females in the family that actually got to be on the frontlines. She had away of being intimidating without having to do much but glare at you. She had her stripes and she was one of the most feared women in the family.

“I have a question to ask you Bella, then you can go on your way.” Her words came out too calm and I was anxious but mentally relaxed. I had no regret for killing my father but my heart broke for my poor mother. I should’ve never let him make that call, how could I be so stupid.

“Ask away, I really need to check on my sisters.” I tried to hide the irritation in my voice but I didn’t want to talk.

“Where’s your father ?” I heard her but I didn’t want to, if I lied to her it would buy me some time and if I told the truth it would make things worse. I didn’t know what to say. Before I could answer I saw another police car arrive on the scene and one of the officers got out. He whispered something to one of the other officers on the scene and he walked over to my grandfather. My family had a few cops on payroll and a uncle working as a district attorney so we managed to get out of a few sticky situations. The cop who I had seen over at my house a few times spoke to my grandfather and his face sunk. My grandfather signaled for my aunt and I to come over and he gathered the family.

“They found Ricky….” My heart began to pound as those words left my grandfathers mouth. My aunt had a look of relief on her face and everyone seemed to disregard the fact that my mother-his wife killed herself from his command. They held my father on a high pedestal because he was my grandfathers first boy. The joy was short lived after my grandfather finished his sentence.

“…he’s dead, someone took him out and ain’t nobody seen nothing.” His voice went from sad to anger, he was very upset and it showed.

“I don’t care who you gotta harass, I want answers. I wanna know what family is responsible for this tragedy. My granddaughters orphaned, have a mercy.” He came over to me and held my hands in his.

“We’re gonna find who did this and make them pay, your father will be avenged.” His words shattered like glass against my skin and my spine crawled. I had to get my sisters out of here fast.

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