
As granny used to say; “You kill more flies with honey than you do with vinegar”

What does that mean you may ask? Well it’s taken me 30 years to truly grasp what this means - you know when a loved one tells you old quotes like this and at the time it’s like “yeah yeah, they’re on their usual tandem” but as you mature and grow older you start to realise the significance of it? Well this is one of those things.

I admit, as a teenager I wasn’t perfect. I would snarl, get angry or pissed off at people who would do me wrong. But as the years passed, I slowly learnt the meaning of this saying.

Let’s break it down.

You kill more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar; if someone is rude to you or does you wrong, our first reaction is to bite back or snarl at them. But if you kill these people with kindness (honey) rather than bite back or snarl (vinegar) you’ll find yourself in a much better frame of mind.

As the years have gone by, I’ve started to mirror this saying and put it into action. I’ve found the nicer you are - the more honey you use rather, the angrier the person trying to hurt you gets. It is quite entertaining too! And in myself, I feel so much better, because I didn’t use negativity, I used positivity so I win.

Which brings me back to the quote you see below; “Smile, it will either warm their heart or piss them off… either way, you win”.

Why waste your energy on their toxic behaviour, why let it get to you when you can avoid this by smiling and being kind?

By all means, say what you please in your mind, I certainly do! But telling someone to go F themselves or Bugger off or something along those lines, only gets you angry and that energy stays with you.

As they say, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile 😉

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