
[Don’t be afraid.]

I stop dead in my tracks and look around. What was that? All around me is nothing but trees and the forest. I hear forest creatures all around me, moving about and doing their own thing, but that’s it.

After a moment I move on. It’s a peaceful day, a wonderful day. I’m heading to my cabin for the weekend to reflect, unwind from the week, and maybe do some writing.

I am almost to the first trailhead that I turn off of to head to my place when the same voice from before comes again. [Don’t be afraid, Jason.] I look around, wildly spinning around in place. No one is there. I open my mouth to tell off whatever teenager is playing mind games when the voice calls out again. [Please, don’t. They’ll hear you.]

I close my mouth. What is going on? The voice answers again. [I am behind you and to your left. I can help as much as I can, but you have to trust me. Don’t speak out loud, I can hear your thoughts.]

I nod my head, understanding but not fully comprehending. [Who is ‘they’? And who are you?] I ask. I’m very aware of where I am at the moment, so I begin moving.

[They are coming for me, and they won’t stop until they have me,] the voice answers. [My name is Will. Jason, we have to get to your cabin. Is it far?]

Immediately I get bits of memory and mental images of my cabin. Once I turn on this trail it’s only half a mile deeper into the forest. It occurs to me that Will should not know all of this about me, let alone know my name, when a single word flashes across my mind. Telepathy. [You can read minds?] I ask.

[…Yes.] the voice answers. Even if it’s not aloud, I can feel the sarcasm in that simple yes. [We need to move, Jason.] Of course.

I turn off the main trail and start to make my way to the cabin. The voice doesn’t speak again until the cabin comes into view.

[Excellent, Jason. Get inside, Quickly. They are almost upon us.]

I half walk, half run to the front door, unlock it, and walk inside. I turn around, expecting to see someone behind me, but there is no one. [Are you sure this is not some trick my mind is playing on me? How do I know this is real?] I ask, suddenly feeling very foolish.

[Look outside,] the voice replies. I obey, and I look out the window. Outside are three… men? They look like men, they look human, but something is off about them. I duck down below the window and watch them. They stop about fifty feet from the cabin, fanned out. All three are staring intently at the door. [They followed you here, have been trailing you since you got out of your car.] I inhale and exhale panic starting to rise.

[Don’t be afraid,] the voice says. Then I feel a hand gently grab my shoulder. I look up into Will’s eyes. [Are you ready?]

I nod, and three loud knocks split the silence.

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