My Mirror Soul

You came back to me and I knew it was you

It hit us like a tidal wave and at first we took this at face level

“It’s lust”, “it’s attraction”, “it’s ok…we’re in control”

But we weren’t in control

Time and the universe had lessons for us

The timings aren’t right at this moment, but I can feel the shift of time changing in our favour

Even if everything looks hopeless, I remain hopeful

I believe in miracles, you, us and divine timing

We agreed to re-align our souls if we found ourselves drifting away from our path

Magnets ever pulled towards each other

No one mirrors my life and triggers me more to want to be a better woman

My love for you is unconditional and evergreen.

It will endure for this lifetime and many more

I want to feel, I want to know

I want to love, I want to grow

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