The Bain Of My Existence, And A Rant About Python

Me: That’s it, I’m waving the white flag on everything.

British Terrorist: Beg your pardon?

Me: Python!

Gods Reject: Monty Python?

Me: No not that.

Me: The code.

British Terrorist: Ah, I see.

Me: One mistake in indentations and hours worth of code ARE RUINED!

Yeliel, Cereal Destroyer: Pray to the spaghetti monster.

iPad Kid: R’amen.

Me: Y’all are no use.

Yeliel, Cereal Destroyer: Your loss.

Me: @Ari can you help?

Ari: Busy.

Me: :(

Ashbird: I can help you after school.

Me: You got your phone back?

Ashbird: Nope, just a figment of your imagination.

Yeliel, Cereal Destroyer: Makes sense.

Me: Anyways, back to PYTHONNNN!

Me: It’s better than Java.

Me: But like, I’ve spent the past hour looking for where I went wrong.

Gods reject: That’s why you should have taken game design and play Minecraft with us instead of League.

Ashbird: Yeah.

Me: First off, League is superior in every way.

Me: Second, I’ll be the one getting my Python certification next year.

Ashbird: But at what cost?




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