The unknown

Somewhere in a distant place, in a distant universe was a girl. She strolled through the fields everyday. Stelle enjoyed the nature. It was sort of her safe place. She knew every plant and every animal with many facts around them. If she had a chance to freely choose her future it would be within the broad fields and dark forests far away from her castle.

Like usually she snuck out of her gigantic room with the king-sized bed. She knew the way like her backpocket. Even in the dark it was easy for her to find the field which she loved the most. The field with the forest following behind it. The field with the mountains so close that you feel like you can touch the summits with your hands. By the time she had calmed down it already started to dawn. Should she return? Should she accept her responsibilities as the future queen of Glendale? As she returned from within her thoughts she saw a purple fog. It sparkled. Suddenly the fog started to turn into a small hurricane. It looked like it was moving towards her. Stelle was fascinated by the dangerous beauty. It seemed like it was calling for her. The unknown wanted her. It was like the purple fog had tried to take her with it. Her heart longed for something else than ruling ober Glendale. Her thoughts were chaotically thrown everywhere inside her mind.

She took the courage and decided to let her kingdom behind her.

The magical fog took her far far away and made her forget about her old responsibilities.

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