The Dream Catcher

Entry #125 August 9th 2024

The dream catcher came back last night, only this time he didn't keep the nightmares away.

As a reminder the dream catcher has been in every single one of my dreams for the last 125 days. Usually he's super friendly and we explore the world of dreams together. The world of dreams is a giant open world with different sections in the world being different dreams. Think of the movie "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl". Every person in this world has a dream catcher and protects everyone from the army of bad dreams who hunts you down and traps you in an endless loop of your worst nightmare.

Well the reason why I'm writing this entry is because the dream catcher just watched as a hundred nightmare soldiers engulfed me. I'm talking opened their mouths to create a giant black hole that I was sucked in to and forced to spend the night in the same loop. Which for me is being up on stage and everyone in the crowd laughing at me and throwing their food at me.

I'm not sure why the dream catcher didn't stop them but I intend to find out tonight. Wish me luck.

Entry #126 August 10th 2024

This will be my last entry. Unfortunately the plan to interrogate the dream catcher and find out why he didn't protect me like he had vowed to do. Instead of answering the question he had become enraged, grabbed me, and threw me into the mouths of the army that had surrounded us again.

Before I woke up the dream catcher revelead to me who he actually was. He was an imposter! He's actually the son of the general for the nightmare army! And he was instructed to find someone willing to accept a "protector" and then slowly devour them dream by dream. The dream catcher told me that once you've been in the nightmare dungeon you only have three nights before they take over your mind and you die.

Well tonight will be the third night and I have no idea what to expect except the fact that I need to stay up as late as possible and make sure someone knows... don't accept help from the strangers in your dreams. You never know who they actually are.

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