Write a scene where a character quits, or is fired from, their job.

This could be based off real experience, or entirely made up. Think about why they have to leave, and the ramifications of doing so.

Performance Review

John was about as prepared as he was going to be. He dreaded his performance evaluation more than anything, and this year was no different.

“He’s ready to see you now” said the Office Manager.

John had been an accountant here for 7 years but never seemed to be able to progress in his office. The job wasn’t difficult, numbers came naturally to him, even as a little kid. He walked into the office.

“Have a seat John” said his boss. Not even looking up from the report in his hands. John sat down, his hands folded nicely in his lap. John’s Boss was nice enough, never yelled or was rarely cross with his employees, including John. But as John’s boss began his usual review of John’s work, his reporting, his attendance, his demeanor with his fellow employees, John’s mind couldn’t help but wander.

Was this work challenging? What was he getting out of this job? The paycheck was nice, but was he truly happy? He once dreamt of traveling the world, but sometime life dictates itself. The expectations after he graduated college was always “I need to find a job” How else would he make a living? As John’s boss continued to ramble, suddenly none of that really seemed to matter much anymore....

“I Quit” John said abruptly, before his boss could even finish his sentence.

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