by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.

The Lake

There used to be a house on the lake but then that house got demolished by a hurricane. The government had the house torn down because some kids went exploring and fell through the floor and drowned. The house was deemed unsafe and marked with big red threatening letters so that all new not to go in unless they planned to die in the house. People steered clear and eventually on March 15 of 1968 it was demolished. Then in the 70’s a dead body was pulled out of the lake of a young man that had been going to see Scott Barkley, the local priest, and staying pretty late, sometimes through the night. The case had gone cold until the 1990’s when a detective declared Scott Barkley had mutilated and performed lewd acts on the boy. Scott Barkley was famous in this town. He was a priest that everyone held in high regard. If you had a problem you went to Scott Barkley for help and everyone came back 100% better, that is, until Billy McIntosh. Billy had claimed that Scott molested him and forced Billy to perform lewd acts on him. He was underage, 10 at the time. Scott Barkley was never sentenced until his mother got in the detective’s face. He was almost acquitted. Some of the most terrifying persons can be disguised in plain sight as the nicest people in the community. I often wonder if the boy they pulled out of the river was going to tell what Scott did to him, if anything, Who knows how many boys Scott Barkley molested and possibly raped. The good thing is he is in prison now and can’t hurt any of the boys anymore.

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