You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

A Royal Secret

“You should really hide your stuff better.” I smirk as I take it back.

His voice gets darker.

“Where. Did. You. Find. It?”

I met his gaze evenly. “We need to talk.”

They waited until it was a little further into the night. The bar they chose was popular, but most of the inhabitants were drunk or had left by the time they had arrived.

“So what makes you think you have the right to snoop around my past?” He finally asked. There had always been something off about him. His speech was a little too careful, his hands a little too gentle, and his manner a little too proper. He was no pirate. He wasn’t even someone down on their luck. The contents of this bag had proven the point.

He was trying to be intimidating, with his hood and dark robes, but I could see through him. I had spent enough time with him to know better. But there was one thing I still couldn’t figure out.

“Why are you here?” I asked quietly.

He was trying to decide whether to lie or not, I could see it in his eyes.

“If you tell me a falsehood, I will walk out of here and you will never find the Black Skull Crew.” I warned him.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I’m here because the Black Skull Crew tried to kill me.” He finally said. He glanced around and pulled his hood lower.

“So you’re going after them?” I whispered in disbelief. “You wouldn’t stand a chance. Try again, the truth this time.”

“It’s true.” He insisted. It wasn’t hard to believe that they had tried to kill him, they were ruthless and cutthroat and more than a few people in the city had lost family and friends to them. But why would he go after them?

“Who are you?” I asked finally. There was something he wasn’t telling me. Something that, despite the two moons and all the stars in the sky making it a bad idea, gave him the idea to get himself killed.

He glanced around again, then leaned forward.

“My name is Jareth.” He whispered.

When I didn’t react, he sighed and declared his title.

“Crown Prince Jareth of Ray.”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed. So hard everyone in the bar heard, and more than a few heads turned our way. He hissed and sunk lower in the seat, pulling his hood so far over his head all I could see was his nose.

“You’re the Crown Prince of the city we’re sitting in? Did I mention I’m actually Aeronwen, hero of Xuejun and Selva, defeater of the evil sorceress Shannara and Princess?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

“You’re not.” His voice took a sharp edge. “And if I’m honest, I wish she was here right now.”

“Like you know her.” I scoffed again.

He pulled back his hood, revealing his messy brown hair and sky blue eyes. “I do.”

The intensity of his gaze made me squirm.

“Want me to prove it? Give me my bag.”

I slid it over the table again and he rummaged inside. After a moment, he pulled out a small piece of parchment. He pulled out his portable quill and ink and wrote _Aeronwen, what date was your wedding again? I lost the invitation._


After a few moments, the words dissapeared, leaving the page blank. Then writing appeared.

_Jareth, I’ve told you a million times. It’s on the second day of the first month in Corian. I recall a conversation about sneaking out the palace to attend if you had to? Isbrand was even considering giving you a part in the ceremony._

“Satisfied?” Jareth smiled.

“That could have been anyone.” I pointed out. But he was right. And who else would have a magic piece of parchment? Not to mention the other thing tucked away in that bag.

_Thanks, I’ll write it down on something non-disappearing this time._ He wrote back after a moment.

There was no response.

“Let’s say I believe you. You’re here because the Black Skull Crew tried to kill you?”

He nodded.

“Why?” Why would the Black Skull Crew try to kill a prince? From what I knew, they weren’t interested in politics.

“I believe someone hired them to. I’m trying to find out who and why.” His voice took on an uncharacteristically serious tone.

“That’s why I need to find them.”

“You don’t think that when you do, they’ll just decide to finish the job?” I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s why I’m undercover and my disguise is foolproof.”

“Fool maybe.” If even I had noticed something was off, there was no doubt one of the most impressive pirate groups would.

“Well then what do you suggest I do?” He snapped, sitting back with a huff.

“Use it.” I leaned forward. “If you’re serious about keeping this up, use it to your advantage.”

“How can I? It’s not ready.”

In that bag was probably the most powerful ally he could ask for.

“What you’re carrying will be enough to get you close to them.” I theorized. I only somewhat sure.

“You think?” He peeked inside again.

“Yes. You just have to do it properly.”

“Well how do I know how to do that?” He slouched back.

“I’ll help you. It’ll work better if there’s two of us anyway.”

“You’re going to help me?” His eyes brightened.

I shrugged, a small smile creeping across my face. “Sure. I was bored anyway. And who knows? We might even win.”

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