Describe the exterior and/or interior of an antique shop.
An antique shop, selling vintage and ancient items, is filled with hidden treasures - or maybe even haunted ones. What descriptive language can you use for this place?
Did You Check The Inside?
The bell in the shop rings as I open the door but the person at the counter doesn’t bat an eye. Instantly, the smell of old wood and books filled my nose. As I walked through the door of the antique shop, the vibe of the shop instantly changed. It felt like home, somewhere I could be safe. I couldn’t understand why I felt like this but I felt so safe and comforted by the beautiful things that surrounded me.
The old brown wood creaked as I walked further into the store, looking around at all the stuff. It varies from old books to ancient artifacts covered by glass. The store had blue walls, faded and ripped. The building looked like it had to be hundreds of years old, though I was probably being dramatic. The white roof was being held together by multiple pieces of wood, making me feel like it would collapse any second.
The book section had hundreds of stories inside the old covers, most probably not read. What people would call “the smell of old book” filled my nose. The covers were ruined, pages ripped out, and some stuck together. No wonder the books are never bought. I wonder what stories they hold.
The candle section was a mix of many different smells. Pumpkin, coconut, blueberry, and lots more. I struggle to pull the lids off, obviously they haven’t been opened in a while. I wonder how long they’ve sat on this shelf collecting dust.
The next section is a section that caught my eye the minute I walked in. Boxes decorated in gold and silver, slightly rusted, and definitely old. I slowly opened the lid, scared it might fall off if I pull it too hard. The inside of the box was covered in a bumpy fabric, not soft but not rough. What surprised me was there was something inside.
I run my hand slowly down the side of the box and feel a slight bump that definitely shouldn’t be there. I push on it a bit, and feel something click. The bottom slowly moves up, and under is sparkling treasures that look like they don’t belong in a rusty box. Golden necklaces to diamond rings fill the box and I feel like I found something I shouldn’t. I wonder what other treasures are in this store but I’m definitely not going to walk around and check.
The box feels heavy in my arms, mostly from the secrets that lie within it. The front desk has an old man sitting at it, grinning ear to ear with crinkled eyes. I lay the heavy box down on the counter, making sure not to be too rough with it. The guy says nothing while scanning the box but I feel like he knows about the treasures in it.
The very awkward interaction with the man goes by fast, and I start walking towards the door while holding the box. The creaky door opens easily, making it easier to not drop the box. The smell of nature greets me and I start walking out the door. As the door behind me is about to shut , the old man finally speaks to me.
“Did you check the inside?”