Write a story where the central theme is kindness.
I Stand With You
The differences between us
They’re black and white,
they’re brutally gray,
and here to stay
Me and you
The things you’ve faced
You found jewels laced with poison
You found love that came broken
Your heart became frozen
Nothing went as planned
And then you withdrew
I don’t know anything about the
pieces of you
I don’t know anything about you
It’s so different yet as true as time
I’ve faced things I’ll never say
They’ll never compare to your day
Yet the whispering doubt always stays
You look at me and misunderstand
I look at you and misunderstand
We’re so different
I don’t understand you
But if I tried
I’d see how much
Your words hold true
If I saw
I’d fight the world
With just me and you
If I heard
clear as crystal
I knew I’d persue
I don’t understand
But I want to
No one tries to understand
But they need to
They need to risk
They need to ask
They need to stand
Then they’ll give that chance
The chance for the pieces of your heart
to risk
to ask
to stand
in harmony
A chance
I understand that I will never understand
But I stand with you