Write a story about a thief, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.

Maybe they are charming and witty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the thief's friend!

Apology Letter

I know she will hate me for this. That knowledge has been bugging me, ever since I met her for the first time.

_She keeps all her jewelry and valuable belongings in a safe. We need you to steal it all from that witch, no matter how._

She isn’t a witch. She is the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful soul I have ever met. And now I was about to break heart and rob her of everything she worked so hard for. I stare at the wax that continuously runs down at the side of the candle on her wooden desk, the flickering light casting soft shadows over the paper in front of me. Every word I write feels like a dagger to my heart. And I know it would pain her too.

_My dear Giselle,_

_I know you will wake up tomorrow and wonder where I am. And by that time, I will be gone, reunited with my family. I told you about them, didn’t I? My mother, father and my dear little sister. An evil person keeps them locked away, using them as leverage against me. It should be an occasion of joy to have my family back, yet I cannot smile at the thought of leaving you behind. I may have been forced to steal from you, but I was never forced to fall in love with you. Your precious smile made it hard to keep my distance. Despite meeting you under the wrong circumstances, I cannot bring myself to call my love for you a mistake. If we would have met in a different way, I would have given you the world, but now I can do nothing but take everything from you to save my family, foolishly hoping that you won‘t resent me. _

_I know that a mere apology won’t be enough, my dear. But it’s all I can give you. _

_With love_

_Your Theodore_

A single tear splashes onto the paper right next to my name, as if wanting finalizing my words. I fold the letter with trembling hands and place it on her pillow, next to her head. The bag, filled with gold, silver and the jewelry that she looked so beautiful in, was taunting me. I grab the bag and with one last glance at my sweet Giselle, I disappear through the window and into the cold, starless night.

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