The Grave

Abandoned I was. I feel like nothing kneeling here talking to you. Remember when you were wearing that white dress? You looked so pure and heavenly, full of life, something straight out of a movie screen with the sun embracing you. You told me how you felt, but I was too scared to accept it, too scared to risk losing the bond we had. I wish I could take it back, I wish that I had never uttered those words that I knew shattered your heart as I saw the gleam in your eyes fade away. Everything happened so fast, one second you were in front of me gleaming with joy and the next you were no longer in sight and weeps could be heard amongst the trees. Night soon came and cold it became. I was drowning in despair when every single call was sent to voicemail. Left with no choice but to go to you. The night was eerily quiet and your house looked empty. My heart rate ramped up quickly and my breathing became irratic as I knocked on your door but to no avail. But I could recognize that ring tone anywhere, it was faint and lucky I was to catch it. Trying the door, it was unlocked which was a bit unusual. A million thoughts rushed through my brain as I began into the house. The ring became louder nearing the bathroom and I could swear my heartbeat was in my ears. Steadily opening the door, I was met with a sight I never thought I would ever see before. Your dress was no longer white, it had become a red stained dress and your eyes were longer filled with joy but with an emptiness I had never seen and your body was longer warm to the touch but instead like winters snow. Holding you one last time, you were no longer the one with their heart shattered and no longer the ones whose eyes were filled with tears. You were no longer the one in uncontrollable pain. And I wanted to hate you, I wanted to be angry for what you did but I couldn’t and won’t because I’m still in love with you. And loving you has been the greatest gift you have granted me in this lifetime. You see love is cruel, it drives you mad and causes you to do unimaginable things. But it is also a blessing that we take for granted as I have been one of those people. Now look where it’s taken me. I’m now abandoned. I could shout and scream, anything to soothe this hurt. But it will all be for naught as it will not bring you back. My mind is the only place where If I close my eyes I can catch a glimpse of you in that white dress, free and beautiful, and at peace. I seem to carry your scent with me, everywhere I go I swear that your are somewhere nearby but reality soon hits and then it all comes crashing back down. Maybe this is a way that the gods have punished me. But their are times when I forget and I show up to your house knocking on your front door waiting for you to open it, telling me that this was all just a huge mistake but no one ever opens and I just stand their for hours not willing myself to go inside. Sometimes when it rains I like to just sit outside and watch, imagining you dancing slowly in the rain like how we used to. Or sometimes when your favorite song comes on, I replay it for hours at a time remembering your melodic voice that soothed me during harsh times. Now I need you more than ever. The sun is setting again and their is nothing I can do now to show you how much I regret what I did, all I can do now is hope that wherever you are that you can hear me. It’s already too late but know that I love you too. I have come to terms with the fact that you have taken my heart with you and I’m okay with that. You will be my first and last love. The time has soon come to an end when I will see you. So all I ask is for you to wait one last time to for me because this time it will be different, this time I’m won’t be a coward. See you soon my love.

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