
Yesterday was a blur

All I remember is holding onto her

Clinging to her like a rope

I held her close to me

My arms were around her shoulders

My head was laid in the slope of her neck

Her arm was around me gently

She prayed over me quietly

As I sobbed in her arms

Now we’re on the bus back

She’s seated in front of me

She tells me that she’s anxious of traveling

Makes her even more homesick

So I text back asking her if

Holding her hand would help

No answer

I wait

Her hand slips through the crack between

The window and chair

I reach out and grab her hand

Holding it gently

I can see her reflection in the window

She’s facing the window

Her head is leaning against her chair

Eyes closed as she takes deep breaths

Her knees are pulled to her chest

I stroke my thumb over her hand

A tiny smile shows on her face

Then she falls asleep

Her breathing slows

Her hand goes limp in mine

Hours later

The bus pulls up to the building

I tap her hand

She slowly stirs awake

Her eyes are heavy and dark

I smile as she comes back to reality

Everyone gets off the bus

Gets their things

Heads off

I watch as she tugs her bag off the shelf

Walk towards her family

But then she drops everything

And leaps into a man’s arms

He looks to be her uncle

She smiles as he puts her down

And helps put her stuff away

My mom calls my name

And pulls me into her arms

It feels so good to be back

I look back at the girl

Her eyes are going through the crowd

Probably looking for me

Then our eyes meet

She gives me a soft smile as her family

Pulls her into the car

Dang it

I never got her number


Farewell my almost lover

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