Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.

It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.

A Regular Day In My Life

In each day there is at least one incident that I experience some weirdness, something off, confusion, and misunderstanding. Following with any of those the out come also seems to lead to some terrible consequences, always my life. At this point I have made a realization that my reality and everyday life is completely warped. So on the way in to work expectations are already on the low; ring ring goes the phone. Looking at the caller ID, I gasp before answering. The moment I say hello the person on the other end my boss is speaking a hundred miles a minute. Once we hung up I had to take a second to process our conversation with little words from one person. So now I have a list of items to shop if I have the company card use it, if I don’t pay for it with my own money and the company will reimburse. Unless they have it on petty cash then if not they will put it in my check. That may take forever, as I am pulling up to the store I am hoping over and over that the company card is in my wallet. Looking through the damn wallet so frustrated at this point because it is looking most likely I will have to pay out of my pocket. As I am putting my wallet back I looked in the side pocket there because there was something gold, that is not normally in that pocket. Okay well there is the card, maybe things will not turn out so bad. So I get everything to the counter then ask for a pack of cigarettes, a cigar, and a couple lottery tickets the last couple items are mine, work can buy that little bit for me running the errand. So as the clerk says the total, I swipe the card, processing. Then all the sudden denied, he tried it three times; so I said I am sorry forget it let me use my card. So of course I paid for it all and left to head toward the coffee store, and what a great experience at the last store. As I pull up to the coffee shop it is so slam packed, and supposedly they created a pick up order under the law firms name. So let us see I think going in will be the best way to go. We already know my luck of the day and the outcomes, as I step through the door the line is not far from the entrance but it is moving quickly. I quietly stand waiting in line for my turn to order, in about three minutes wait I was coming up next in line. I place a order for a extra large coffee of the coffee I like, and then I mention there is a call in order I am to pick up for Johnson and Steven’s firm of law. The girl looked underlying confused, maybe she is new. She grabbed the manger asking where do I pull up call in orders, so the lady walked over to the register to show the worker how to complete the task. Okay you are all set the manger said and gave me a print out for the order. Right after another worker brought the order to the counter calling out the number on the ticket. I did a double check all the items ordered were there, I do not want to come back. Looking like the only thing missing is not on the ticket, apparently it did not add my coffee order. I got the mangers attention explained so she rang in my drink in the computer, I paid, and she hurried to fix it so the other drinks do not get cold that are hot or hot that are cold. As she brought the drink to me she asked could I use a hand and I could so one of the workers grabbed a tray and bag following me out to my vehicle. After loading the car and thanking the worker off to the job I go. So Anna the assistant of Mr. Steven’s came out to help carry all the stuff in, once we got it in we handed it out. Jessica came in and I explained what happened with the card so I would like to get it back petty cash. She begin to make a fuss, but as expected always a bad outcome.

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