Art by Sans @

Using this image as inspiration, write about an adventure that begins with a terrifying leap.
The Tale As Old As Time
There once live a village, in a world surrounded by magic. Everywhere and anywhere had a story or adventure, it was never a dull day in this village. The village sat on the direct boarder between two of the most popular biomes in the land, one a desert with many ruins and temples, and the other a forest that provides generously for good people. One half of the village would has blistering heat, and the other cooler temperatures that tends to follow the seasons, the reason behind why the biomes are like this is in its own form a mystery. A well known tale has encouraged the new younger generations to explore their world, always bringing back plentiful hauls. This tale had been passed down by word of mouth for centuries, some say it’s been told since before the village was even made.
The story was about a greedy king and his unknown son, the son was nothing like his father, but more like his mother. She was a sweet and smart lady, she helped bring peace to a native village and the kingdom, The village was located in the forest, the kingdom in the desert. The boy grew up away from his fathers rule in the forest. He learned how to respect the forest and survive, but while he learned his basic skills he also took a increased interest in ruins and mysteries. Everything was peaceful and everything was fine, until one day when the king needed a heir. He turned to the mother he abandoned years ago and demanded for the son to become the next king. The mother being smart said only if he could solve one of the sons mysteries, but if he couldn’t then the most sought after artifact was the sons. The king was hesitant and reluctantly agreed, for what was hinted was the artifact is more valuable then gold, and anyone who claims it as their own is known to have high levels of power. The Mystery asked for a item only found in the desert, a small scarab necklace said to only be found by those of pure hearts. The king ventured out into the desert with two of his most trusted generals and found the temple. The king didn’t heed the riddles warning and rushed down to the temple, only to be swallowed by the sand, all that remained was a part of the temple which had a massive figure of a skull. The son still became king , but in the end he got the artifact he desired and no one dared to attempt to take it because of the late kings fate.
Despite the cruel turn of events, everyone desired to find more answers about the tale, It was only part of a bigger story. The artifact has been talked about in many tales but no one knows what it exactly is. Everyone desires it but one those of balanced minds and pure hearts can find it.