Finding Love

Kaia held her invisibility with a all her might. Starving, hurting badly and so cold bone deep cold she was barely hanging on to it. Since her ship had crashed she been surviving on the food that was still salvageable in the kitchen of the ship but that had dwindled and she had been rationing for a week now. She had barely made it out of the ship today before the crews had started their day digging around and taking apart different pieces of equipment. Kaia wished she could just sat inside while they worked but no room or area was uninteresting to these people. They were everywhere. She sighed in pained frustration cutting it off with her hand when she realized that her outburst had been louder than it should have been..

Andrew heard a muffled sound coming from the bushes. He had felt they were being watched since they made it to the crash site. Today though he was absolutely certain the sound he had just heard was from their audience. He searched the snow and the tree line closest to him with his eyes not wanting to startle his audience. For some reason he was not feeling any trepidation at all. Still casually scanning his surroundings he noticed the butt print in the snow as well as the small shoe prints slowly going into the forest. His heart started hammering because he knew he had just witnessed an alien! A real live alien! Sure they had the four remains of the crew, but if he wasn’t going mad and he was sure that he was not, he had discovered the single biggest scientific find of the century!

Without thinking he turned to follow the little prints in the snow. He had gone only a few feet when his coworker called out to him.

“Andrew, what are you doing man? Going to go play in the snow instead of playing with all these cool gadgets? Hahahahah that’s fine I will have all the fun.” Jeff turned to head back into the space craft.

Andrew stood in the snow looking back towards the tree line. He wanted to follow the footsteps so badly. His body screamed to follow, but his mind wanted to keep this find all to himself for now so he gave a lingering, longing look at what he wasn’t sure, and turned to follow his friend back inside for more “fun”. Before he had taken two steps the excitement inside of him bubbled over and a huge grin took over his face. He cold not wait to find the lurker. And he would!

Kaia’s insides did a flip flop. That grin was gorgeous she thought fleetingly. The last 10 minutes had been terrifying. Emotionally and physically drained she let another small sigh go. Shaking she weakly leaned against a nearby tree. At this point she was to weak to go far. Kaia turned back towards the wreckage knowing she could not risk going back in. The scientists would be in there for many more hours. Exhaustion overtook her better sense as she spied the tents of the nearby encampment. Walking slowly so not to make a sound she made her way to the closest tent. She was so tired and weak after nearly being seen that she just needed to lie down for a little while. She glanced around quickly before sliding inside.

The warmth of the enclosure hit her quickly. Without anymore thought she staggered to the cot.

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