Create a character who has been given incorrect information but is convinced it is completely true.
The Honest Truth
“Deliver this to the western camp,” the officer said, handing Thomas a scroll that was sealed in wax. “These contain the latest troop movements across Appalachia, and General Amber needs that intelligence before he makes his move.”
Thomas knew little about the war effort, but he was sure the information he carried was vital. Since the beginning, Thomas had yearned to be a part of it and had asked the officers to let him help, though they may have used the word harassed. They had never included him in any way, but he knew that they had just been looking for a job important enough for him. That is why they had kept him in the dark for so long, too. He took the scroll eagerly and saluted the officer clumsily. “Yes, sir!”
He strode from the headquarters with his head held high and his chest puffed out with pride, making no effort to hide the fact that he was carrying vital intelligence. On the way out to the gate, he stopped in the mess hall and had a pint before he departed. He strode across to an open seat, swinging the scroll freely, and sat down just as another figure slipped out from the shadows and darkened the door only briefly as they exited. So elated was Thom that he spared no breath regaling the soldiers within about his mission of vast importance as they piled upon him many kind words of encouragement.
He began his journey into the woods, following the path laid out to the west. The journey was not too long; only a two day walk from the central stronghold to the western fort. The green leaves of late summer hooded the path and Thom walked in the shade. The late morning sun filtered through the leaves and illuminated the road before him. He walked easily until nightfall before he turned aside and made camp.
Riding with the sun, he sat upright and began to pack his camp when a voice confronted him from the shadows. “I’ll have that missive,” a woman stepped from behind a tree, hooded and holding a spear.
“I can’t do that,” Thom explained, oblivious to the threat she posed, “it’s very important.”
“That’s exactly why I need it.”
“I’m sorry ma’am but I can’t give it to you.”
“That’s fine,” she smiled at him, “I can just take it.” She hefted the spear and advanced toward him.
“Uhh,” he started backpedaling, clutching the scroll to his chest. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“Hand it over,” she continued to advance to within striking range, then growled at him.
Thom let out a yip and dropped the scroll, running for his life. It was not long before he arrived back at headquarters.
“It’s okay,” the officer explained, “it was fake information,”
“You were a decoy,” he explained, “we knew they would mark you as a courier, so when you departed, another man was dispatched via a different route with accurate information.”