Fright Night

Yellow haystacks followed one another. Zach and Kaycee were the best of friends who thought the Halloween themed maze was a great idea. Kaycee was ready to celebrate with her friend, they had been in this maze for an hour now. “We need to find the way out Zach.” “I know, I’m trying to find it. I tried to push the bails of hay, but it is as if they are cemented together.” The laughter from the other children echoed into silence. It was now after midnight, and still no exit. When the silence grew, the two teenagers heard a deep laughter.

“What was that?” “I have no idea, Kaycee. Stay close to me, I feel like we’re in this for the long haul.” Kaycee was frightened, she’s seen every horror movie. She knows that laughter meant a fight she wasn’t ready for. “You should know, this maze has no end. Your souls are mine for keeping. You will run endlessly and never find the ending. Good luck to the two of you.” The deep voice rang in their ears like the laughter just before.

The kids began to run, and every corner was as worse as before. One corner had zombies,the next was a cyclops. The list became endless. “Zach, I’m tired of running. We should just end this now, let them catch us.” “No, Kaycee, we must keep running. We got in here right? So there must be an ending somewhere.” “You’re right, but I have a feeling that we will never reach it.” The two teens kept running. They both became tired and weary, but they knew they must run. Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to rise. “Zach, look. We’ve been running all night.”

Zach looked up and he saw the sun. Both teens closed their eyes and let the warm embrace entrance them. When they opened their eyes, they both thought that they were dreaming. “Zach, do you see that?” “The exit?” “Yeah, let’s keep running towards it.” They made it to the finished point. They both crossed through the exit, that’s when they realized it. Stay away from mazes on Halloween night. If they would have given up, they would both be dead.

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