Write a poem about a moment in life which seems fleeting.
Maybe it's a moment you wish could last longer, or a short period of pain that goes away.
The note. The hold. That feeling as you put everything you have into the song. The music swelling behind you. The feeling of your stomach tensing as the air you had, slowly dwindles to nothing.
Every scene, every song, every moment with your mates just seems like it will last forever. Like a family you can always run to. Wether it be tuning or changing into costume, it’s home.
Oh and the curtain call. The adrenaline, seeing your work pay off. That others love it as much as you.
But then you blink, and snap back. Remembering that it’s been so long ago. Those moments you love dearly, more just a memory. Constantly reminding you that life flies by.
So you live in the moment and look to tomorrow. Plan for the future but play in today. Making the best you can, before your final curtain.
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