Your protagonist works in a dry-cleaners, and finds something concerning in the pocket of a jacket...


Allison enjoyed the job, mostly. Sure, there were times when it was slow and times when it was so busy she couldn’t think straight, but for the most part, it was easy enough. She could handle working while going to college, which was her plan all along anyway, and at least she had the smell of soap and cleaning products to keep her company. They made her feel clean.

She reached into the coat pocket of an elderly man who had just dropped off his clothes. Well, this one item. An old leather coat, cracked, with buttons down the sleeves. She always checked the pockets before cleaning.

Her fingers ruffled paper. Not a receipt; it was much too thick. She pulled out a folded wad, a letter of sorts, with black ink seeping through the pages.

She tossed it to the side and started cleaning. “ I can read it on my lunch break,” she thought to herself.


Rick stared up at the noose. The woman must not have read his letter, or didn’t care to send help.

He stepped on the stool.

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