Write a romance story that takes place during lockdown/quarantine.

It doesn't have to be set in the current global situation, but you could use experiences over the last year to imagine what a lockdown romance might be like!

Letters of a Dying Love

Apr 25

Dear Juniper,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. A lot has been happening with my family, so I can’t say the same for me, unfortunately.

Every morning I wake up to a desolate landscape where thousands of city folk and tourists crowded the streets. Not knowing what’s going on all the time is very stressful and I feel like I’m living the same day. However, I have to admit that sending you a letter once or twice a day breaks me from this burdensome mood…that’s until my family started to dwindle.

Nana, like I’ve mentioned before, is not in the greatest condition. Well, she’s not doing any better now that she got ill with the bug. We don’t know what this virus is or how treatable it is, but the news lady only states that it’s a virus of some kind. Anyway, Nana has it, or rather, had it. She passed away this morning in her rocking chair. And the worst part was that we couldn’t visit her because she was sick. We couldn’t see her one last time before she kicked the bucket.

Jericho, my older brother in the army, came down one weekend to visit her, and it has come with no knowledge that he could’ve been the carrier. He would often visit, as did we, three times a week to check on her, and today was one of those days.

Aside from that six of my cousins, twelve of my aunts and uncles, and four of my closest friends all have gotten sick with the bug. It makes me feel like the lucky and unlucky one at the same time. Some days I wake up wishing I was sick and not them, but other days I’m most thankful I am not. These uncertain times have my emotions running rampid sometimes, but you always keep me a little sane with your a lovely letters and beautiful artwork. If we weren’t in a time like this, I would’ve told you to become a well-known artist.

Anyway, that is all for me. I’m just living the everyday Groundhog Day. I hope this reaches you in time.

Sincerely Yours, Your Calliope Love

Apr 27

Dear Juniper,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. I’m checking up on you because I got worried. I didn’t get a letter from you yesterday, but my mom told me to calm myself and that you were probably busy.

Unfortunately, I have more bad news. The news caster lady said that over fifteen thousand people died within the first week. This information has me rattling and quaking in my boots. One of my uncles on my dad’s side passed away also, and two cousins on my mom’s side. They buried Nana. We had to send her away. This was the first time we couldn’t have a funeral and it made us even more sad.

Anyway, I’m just here, like always, living the everyday Groundhog Day. Hope you write me back. Hope you are doing alright.

Sincerely Yours, Your Calliope Love

May 8

Dear Juniper,

We are having a really bad storm today and have lost all power. I’m currently writing to you with a flashlight in one hand, so please bear with me for my handwriting is not the best.

Once again, I’m just checking up on you. I really, really hope this letter finds you happy and well. Things are just getting worse and worse.

About thirteen more aunts, uncles, and cousins have gotten the bug, and about eight of them passed away. No funerals, no goodbyes…only silence. I’m really teetering on the edge of insanity, and I wish it was me who got sick and not them. I wake up to the same desolate landscape, all depressed, anxious, and restless, and I imagine a happier place, somewhere off in the distance. Sometimes I want to hurt myself really bad, and the two things that stop me from doing that is you and my mom.

Anyway, I hope you’re in a better condition than I am. I’m just living the everyday Groundhog Day, patiently waiting to hear back from my love.

Sincerely Yours, Your Calliope Love

May 22

Dear Juniper,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. Unfortunately, I am sick with the bug, and I hope that you haven’t got it yet.

My mom has been living in a hazmat suit for two weeks now, helping me stay alive and fight the virus. I am so weak, so tired, and I’m unable to write that well. I’ve been in and out of hospitals, drugged up on heavy medications, and unable to walk properly without support. I’m not doing that great, but I ignored the pain to write to my love.

The news caster lady now says that over sixty-six thousand people have died from the bug; and three aunts, four uncles, seven cousins, and five of my closest friends are all a part of these statistics. It’s getting bad, Juny. Really, really bad. I’m trying to hold myself, but my depression, anxiety, and restlessness are all spiraling my health downward. I’m trying to hold on because I know that our love will always persevere. I just have to hear from you to know that you’re doing ok.

Anyway, it’s just a usual day. Like always, I’m living in an everyday Groundhog Day, looking for something to end it. Please end it all for me, Juny. I believe in you that you can make it all better.

Sincerely Yours, Your Calliope Love

May 23

Dear Calliope,

This is Juny’s mother. We are sad to inform you that he has already passed away. He’s been sick ever since the twenty-sixth of April and passed away on the twenty-ninth. I’m so sorry that we didn’t inform you sooner, but we were grieving.

We have been getting your letters, as well as reading older ones that you guys have sent to each other. I never knew that a pretty girl like you dated my Juny. All this time he has kept this a secret. It would have been lovely to know ahead of time that someone from school loved him. But as a gesture for being there for him and checking in so often as you did, Mr. Wix and I would be more than delighted to send you a couple drawings of his. He really did love you, so it’s the least we could do in return.

Just always know that Juny is in your life still, looking and smiling at you from the other side. He’s with God now. He is safe now and is no longer hurting. I know it’ll take some time to get over this unsettling news, but we believe in you, dear. We believe that if you ask for help, God is always there to protect you. Don’t fight this alone. Fight it with God and you’ll make it through. Once again, thank you for being the love, spark, and light in Juny’s life. No one can ever ask for a better friend and girlfriend like you.

Best Wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Wix

May 25

Dear Juniper’s parents,

I hope this letter finds you both well, but it appears that Calliope passed away today. I saw the last letter that came from this address and the three child-drawn pictures attached with it.

As non-believers within this house, your last letter was unsettling. You told my baby girl to believe in God? Well, believe she did, and look where she’s at now?

I’m sorry, but if I had known early, maybe my daughter would still be here. And since she is no longer alive anymore, I have attached Juniper’s drawings to this letter. They are not needed anymore. Still, I’m glad that he kept my daughter happy and alive for as long as it lasted. However, please take care of yourselves. This is a very unusual and hard time we are living in, and you’ll need God every step of the way to get out.

Best, Mrs. Tuppor

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