Prompt submitted by Faust

You find an old mask in an antique shop, cobbled together with scraps of old metal and golden wire. The moment you try it on, you black out. You wake up the next morning, handcuffed to a bed and a scary woman sitting in a chair beside you.

Write a story beginning where the prompt left off

Holly’s mask

The woman starts to hum a song, you can’t quite figure out where you’ve heard it from you just know that you have heard it before. She rocking back and forth in a squeaky old rocking chair tucked in the corner of the room beside a window. You see her face as the moonlight glares on her face. You frantically ask her why you are there and how you got there. She just continues to rock back and forth humming that old, familiar song. The squeaking of the chair seems to get louder and louder as time goes on and you start to panic that this woman put you there and that you will never leave again or that maybe she has intentions of killing you. Everything is swarming inside your head of how you are going to make your escape. But the handcuffs are too tight. As you pull harder they tighten tighter. “You can try to get out all you want but you made the choice to put you here now your mine!” You turn to her and say “what?” You heard what she had said you just wanted to see if she would talk again. She doesn’t say anything back. You ask “what choice did I make exactly?” No reply. You ask “what did I do to deserve this?” Still nothing but humming and squeaking fills the silence. Hours go by and the woman stops rocking, stops humming, and slowly stands up. She walks over to you, you start to panic again, not knowing what she’s about to do. She reaches her hand close to your face and gently runs the back of her hand across your quivering cheek. She says “ don’t worry dear this won’t hurt...much.” And starts to laugh. She leaves the room. You are frantically trying to set yourself free before she gets back. You hear the doorknob slowly start to turn, your crying historically knowing something awful is about to happen. But what.. what could she do to you, and for what you didn’t do anything you ponder inside your head. She creeps slowly through the dark room with a glowing red hot iron. You are now freaking out knowing she coming right for you with it. She raises it up to your cheek and asks “why did you have my mask?” You say “is this what all this is about?... a mask?” She’s angrily says “it’s not just a mask, It’s my work! And you disrespect me by putting it on!” You say “ listen lady I’m sorry I put it on. I’m sorry I even touched it! I just found it and put it on and woke up here.” She is furious now and presses the hot iron across your face. She says now you shall have to wear a mask as I have all my life. The lights switch on and you see her face is burned horribly. Your in so much pain and then wake up. All a dream.
