The New Neighbour.

I woke up because I heard knocking on the walls of my house. this echoed throughout the house. I leaned up my ears against the wall and realised it must’ve been coming from the basement. I attempted to flick the light switch on but it must have been a blackout. I grabbed the emergency torch from the cabinet in front of me and decided to investigate.

As I walked down the stairs, it felt all the more eerie. Something was wrong but, what could it be. At last I reached the front door and opened it. I gasped, asking , “Are you okay?”

To which it replied with a scream.

There was an alien in my basement.

I kept trying to calm the Alien down but the green humanoid just kept and kept screaming at me. Just as I turned around to leave, it grabbed onto my shirt and tugged at it gently , as if it was saying, “please don’t go.”

I turned back towards the Alien and gave it a hug. Poor thing must’ve got stuck here somehow. It made sad sounds as it formed a fist with 1 hand and then first pointed at itself and then it’s fist. The Alien then began to sob.

I sat down next to the Alien as it stared at me while it was upset. It honestly seemed hopeless as there was such a enormous language barrier between us. I sat there with it and put my arm on it’s shoulder. It fell asleep on my lap as if it were a dog. Maybe, this alien was so lonely that and now that I’m here, it’s at peace for now.

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