Crooked Smile

He first came through my line with a too big smile and honestly I thought nothing of him. Just another customer.

He kept coming though. And eventually I knew his face. His smile was the first thing to catch my eye. He smiled too much and he told bad jokes. But he was cute, so it worked.

He started coming by more often, but it seemed like he rarely bought food. Every few days and always with the same thing. A box of wine and a bottle of vodka.

“Breakfast of the champions” he said with a crooked smile.

He started wearing glasses last month. He looked so soft with them but they hid his eyes so I can’t decide if I like them or not. Either way he told me he liked my haircut so I’m planning our marriage for the fall.

The last time he came in, he never looked up. He just set his box and his bottle on the table and quietly took out his wallet. I hope he’s okay.

It’s been a couple of weeks now. I’m in mourning. Or I was. But the bell just rang and guess who? It’s Crooked Smile himself.

He disappeared into the aisles and I rehearsed my lines in my head. I was still deciding whether or not it would be weird to say I missed him when he approached with his arms full of ramen and vodka.

“Hey! Long time no see. No wine today?”

“No, turns out I’m supposed to eat too. Weird right? This thing should have come with a manual.”

Instead of a smile his mouth just tightened. I laughed anyway and the corners turned up a little. I’ll take it as a win.

He was on his way out and I watched as he paused at the door. He took a step forward and hesitated again.

“Everything okay?”

He turned around.

“Yeah I just- yeah.” And he hurried away.

Shy boy. Be still my heart.


He came back again today. His hair was pointing in every direction and there was purple under his eyes. I don’t know why but my heart felt heavy in my chest when he left.


I told my best friend about him. She says I should give him my number and I just might. He’ll be back in a few days.


I wasn’t wrong. He was back. But his eyes were puffy, and the bags under them were heavy. He didn’t look so good. I don’t think now is a good time.


He wasn’t looking better the next time either. Or the next. Or the next. In fact, he seemed to be getting worse. He didn’t make jokes anymore or smile his crooked smile.

In fact he didn’t say anything. He moved so sluggishly it was as if gravity itself was trying to hold him in place. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Are you okay?”

He looked through me at first. His eyes were glazed over and for a moment I don’t think he heard me. Then they welled up and before I knew it they spilled over.

He left his things on the counter and walked away, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. I couldn’t just leave it at that. I clocked out of my register and bolted out the front door. I don’t know what I expected to find but when I saw him bent over his steering wheel my heart broke.

I tapped on the glass.

His head jerked up and he nearly jumped out of his seat.

“I’m sorry! I just- you haven’t been yourself lately and-“

He just stared at me, tears still streaming down his face, frozen.

“Can I hug you?” I asked him. He didn’t respond but the locks on his car clicked and the door popped open. He stepped out of the car and I opened my arms. He collapsed into them.

I didn’t speak anymore, I just held him there in the parking lot until his choking sobs gave way to steady breaths. When he was finished crying he pulled away.

“Thank you.” He said.

“Of course. I-“

“I’m Robbie.”

“Charlie. Do you want to get coffee?”

“How about a beer?”

“Yeah. Let’s.”

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