
He grabs the gun and points it to her head as the air is thick. He expects her to run or beg but she says “What would killing me even do. It wont bring your family back and it wont make you suddenly successful. You know you will always be a disappointment, thats just how the world works. Nothing you do will EVER be enough.” She says as he shakes with the gun in his hand. He questions if what he is doing is right and takes a moment to think quickly becoming engulfed in anger “Who are you to tell me what i can or can not do! I decide how i feel, no one else!” He yells “but you see its already worked, I’ve irritated you. Your life is a lie, there is no point in making more mistakes to burry your old ones. We are all going to die” she says as she walks closer “So shoot me…TAKE SHE SHOT DANM IT. JUST KILL ME” she screams holding the tip of the gun to her head tightly with her other hand on his wrist wide eyed. He cant belive what he is seeing, much less hearing “Your crazy.” He says uncertain and off guard “Then put me out of my misery “ she says staring him right in the eyes seriously. “I…cant” he says as he takes the gun from her and steps back quickly running out the room.

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