All the world's a stage

Write a poem based on the stages of a person's life, inspired by William Shakespear's "As You Like it" monologue.

We the people are a stage

From the time we are born

The first breath and cry

We are presented to this world

In the arms of a nurse

Asking for a bottle and pucking

On the nurse. The first time we have

To wear a diaper

As time goes on we’re now in school

Making friends learning plays

Upon the stage as we have learned

And now we’re grown

Uncle Sam is drafting everyone

Fighting battles to save our people

We fight for our freedom

Finally out and have gotten married

Working hard to raise our children

Now there grown and on there own

It’s time that we retire. We work at home

And take some trips before we get to old

The time will come that well get old

We’ll end up back in diapers

We will not know a lot of things

As if we were just born

The day will come and we’ll be gone

As the baby that was born

All the memories are left behind

Many are forgotten

Written By:

Freddie López


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