Write a story that takes place entirely in a ballroom, but not during a ball.

Set the action in a ballroom. It could be present day during a visit, historical, or maybe something magical happened that took your characters there?

More Than Blood (Part 12)

(This is Kent’s flashback. Next is finishing up Kent’s perspective and then it will be Cove.)


Three years ago….

“Mind if I join you?” Someone snapped Kent out of his quiet moment. Kent was sitting on the ground with his arms resting on his bent knees, taking a breather from the gala. His parents pushed for Cove to meet new men hence the gala. None good enough for his sister. All of them vied for his sister’s affection that was already a lost cause. Not with Thorne by her side.

“Sure. If you want,” Kent said. The bright, pastel green of the man’s suit caught his tired eyes. His eyes followed the movement of him plopping down next to him. “I talked my mother out of the red, geometric jacket, so the green was the better option, trust me.”

Kent let out a surprised laugh. Louder than he intended, his outburst bounced through the hallway. “The green was a good pick. Looks good.” Kent did not mean to say that last part out loud even though it was very, very true.

A smile grew on this stranger’s face while Kent felt awkward. “Flent of Gallia.” His hand opened, held out to shake. After a couple of seconds to compute, Kent scrambled to shake Flent of Gallia’s hand. “Wait,” Kent paused, taking in the name. “Flent as in the prince of Gallia?!”

Flent waved his other name to stop him from apologizing. “Yes, but you can call me Flent. Just Flent. No prince or titles.” Kent nodded his head. “Ok Pri-Flent. Then you can call me Kent,” he said. Mr. Nevyle pounded into them that formal titles displayed respect and drilled them repeatedly until it became second nature.

Flent shifted his body more to face Kent. With that movement, Kent realized that their hands were still locked in a handshake. He dropped Flent’s hand like he burned him. Honestly, with how hot Kent felt, he might as well have.

“Cove does not want to get married, does she?” Flent asked. Kent shrugged. “What she wants is to do her duty to Allaver.”

“You don’t have to sugarcoat it for me. She obviously does not want to. I get it. My parents have been looking for a suitable person that could rule beside me ever since I was born.” Kent let out a sigh of relief. “That’s exactly it. My parents don’t want to pressure her but most expected her to be already married.” Flent gave an understanding look to Kent before facing forward, gazing at the white tile of the floor.

A comfortable silence blanketed them. Kent didn’t normally like soundless moments. They made him feel like he needed to come up with small talk to fill in the air. Something was different with Flent.

“The castle of Allaver is nice. Too bad there is a wall shielding it from everyone else, even their own citizens.” A feeling tugged at Kent’s gut. He knew he should defend the wall but he didn't have it in him to disagree. He settled for silence.

“Gallia has such colorful, diverse flowers and vegetation. Have you ever been?” The question shouldn’t make him feel bad but it does. “No. None of the royal children leave these walls.” Technically, Cove began to sneak out, but a secret among siblings goes to the grave.

“Do you wonder what it would be like, outside the castle?” Flent’s tone sounded genuine, not like he desired a specific response out of him. He asked because he wanted to know.

“Yes. I’ve seen paintings and read books but nothing can replace experiences which I am severely lacking in.”

Once again, neither of them said anything for a long minute. “Tell me about Gallia.”

Flent grinned, presumably thinking of his home. “Gallia is the prettiest place anyone could go.” Watching him describe Gallia mesmerized Kent. The way he spoke about this place made it sound magical. Flent animatedly ranted, using grand gestures with his arms, face lit up like a sunflower.

At one point, Flent banged his hand off the hard floor when talking about how big the fruit grew there. “Ouch. I guess you get my point about the apples.” He rubbed the sore area, the brightness dimming fast from him. Without even thinking, Kent reached over and placed his hand over Flent’s bruise. A white light glowed from his palm. “Whoa.”

“Sorry I should have warned you before I did that,” Kent apologized, rubbing the back of his neck, a little embarrassed. “No, it just took me by surprise. There are not many Miracles in Gallia.” Kent cringed at the name of healers. He thought of Amerie and how she was just as much a miracle as any of them.

“I apologize. I do not have much exposure with healers. I never saw it happen before,” Flent explained. “I meant no disrespect to Princess Amerie.” Hearing that did something to Kent’s heart that he would never admit.

“I appreciate that. Some people are not that kind. Miracle is just a weird term. I never saw myself as something so magnificent and life changing like a miracle.” The word ‘miracle’, not the title, reminded him of the plague dying down which was his mother’s doing. He didn’t feel deserving of the word when he didn’t do anything to get this ability.

“I don’t know. I think you are one. A miracle.”

His heart definitely skipped. He couldn’t hear anything over his rapidly pounding heartbeat in his ears.

That night was the first time they did the affectionate Gallian gesture.

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