by Hauke @

Write a fantasy story about 'The Door in the Mountains'.
Death’s Walk
As death walked out his door, not knowing if he’d be back or not. He gathered his staff and some snacks, he locked his door and placed another stone in the garden for good luck and departed for his adventure. He walked down the path to the portal to welcome the new comer for the new journey.
As they walked through the portal they looked around in the moonlight ombré of the vast unknown. As they stood in silence death stretched his hand out to the path. The man follows the direction of the hand not saying a word. As they walk death offers a snack of walnuts for the long walk, the man reaches his hand out and received some of the nuts.
The man looked around seeing his friends, family, pasted lovers to the last long love. To scared to break the silence he stands in silence starting at his wife and children with a single tear falling. He gets a warm touch on his shoulder as death Guides him down the path further. They continue the walk into the the depths. As they approached the light the man sighs in relief.
“Thank you for the walk I hope you make it back alright” the man says.
“No, thank you for my final walk now let’s go arm and arm to the light and see what’s awaiting for us.” As death replied they walked through the vail.