“We have to give it back.”

Write a story beginning with this sentence.

Give it back

We have to give it back.

Give back. What does it mean?

They’ll tell you it means to bless to pass on to love to shine; at least that is what their lips will say.

They post their prayer requests on social media and share memes of what it means to be a good person but genuine is as far from what they are at heart.

Theyre a work of hypocritical art; theyre ugly.

Dont listen to their lies just open your eyes and youll see them for who they are!

So when youre walking down the street and a homeless man smiles at you remember he just gave you ALL that he can give. Give it back.

When someone tells you they love you when youre at your worst but you KNOW that they mean it, give it back.

Whether its a hug or a “how do you do” or a hand written note or someone being vulnerable with you GIVE IT BACK.

Give it back- to return.

Return the wonderful things so we can stop expecting the bad.

Give it back.

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