Rewrite a childrens fable as if it were created in a different era of time.
Whilst retaining the traditional moral of the story, consider how the era you've chosen would change the narrative, characters, and how the message is conveyed.
Hansel And Gretel
I shivered and pulled my jacket around me. The light on my phone showed the shadows of the trees. It was getting late. If we didn’t find somewhere to stay….
“Gretel, my phones dead” Hansel’s voice broke the silence.
“Oh god! Mines on 5 percent!”I was trying to keep a calm face but inside I was freaking out. What would we do when mine died? Ugh we wouldn’t even be stuck in the woods if it weren’t for Hansel. He’s the one who had the stupid idea to go wandering around in the woods in the middle of the night. But why did I agree? My stupid crush hormones made me do so much stupid stuff!
“Gretel, come on I can see a light!” Hansel’s face was lit up with the words.
Maybe we wouldn’t die out here, I thought.
Hansel grabbed my hand and we ran towards the light. We kept running and emerged into a clearing. A plain mud brick house with tinted windows was in front of us.
I let go of Hansel’s hand and dashed towards the door. Just as I was about to knock on the door Hansel grabbed my hand. “Wait, don’t” he whispered. “What is it? Why?” I wanted to scream, all I wanted for to get inside somewhere! “I don’t know..something feels of..” Hansel eyes scanned the house.
“Come on, it’ll be fine!” I started to drag him towards the door. “No!” Hansel yelled as I knocked on the door. It was to late.
I heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door creaked open and an old women face came into view. I felt her eyes scan me and I squeezed Hansel’s hand tightly. “What do you want?” The women suddenly asked. Her voice sent chills down my spine. I tried to speak but my voice caught in my throat. Hansel came to my rescue. “We….Um.. we got lost” his voice was barely tangible. “Well then why don’t you come on in. Are you hungry? You can stay the night.” Me and Hansel shared a look. It’ll be fine he’s eyes seemed to tell me. We followed the lady inside. “My name is Josephine” Josephine said. “I’m…..” Hansel nudged me, “I’m Jeremy.”
“And I’m Annie”.
“Welcome to my house children!”
I eyed her house. It reminded me of a haunted house from some Halloween movie. I noticed that there were cobwebs everywhere. The floorboards creaked wherever I stepped.
“Come sit down, I’ll make some tea” Josephine guided us to the table.
Me and Hansel sat down quietly and looked around. “Here” Josephine handed us out tea.
All of a sudden I heard cause outside the house, police sirens blared around us. Po,I’ve barged through the door and yell, “Hands up!!” A police officer pointed a gun at Josephine. “Kids! Get over here!” Another policeman assured us outside. Standing outside was my mum and Hansel’s dad. “Gretel! Your here!!” Tears spilled down both of our cheeks. “I missed you mum” my voice sounded choked. I fell into mums arms crying. “Come on sweetie, let’s go home.”
In the corner of my eye I saw Hansel and his dad hugging. They walked towards their car and drove away. Me and mum drove home laughing and sharing time together.”I love you mum” I squeezed mums hand, “I love you too Gretie”