A tattoo artist can ink your fate onto your skin, but once drawn, it cannot be changed or undone.

Write a story about a character deciding whether to uncover their fate, or leave it open for change.

The Fates

The Fates. The tattoo parlour was known across the whole world. Queues of people would turn up outside for an unknown artwork that symbolised the rest of their entire life.

You had watched for years as a kid, watched the expressions of those who entered and their reactions afterward.

Some people remained as overjoyed and excited as they were when they entered. Others were red eyed and clawing at their skin. Some came out unmoved and unimpressed with a blank look in their eyes.

Now you were finally eighteen you knew you could join them, wait in that long line and watch as your fate was permanently scarred into your skin in black ink.

But you were hesitant and rightly so. Watching the people come and go for the last decade or so had taught you that sometimes fate was best left alone. To be discovered as you discovered life.

A friend had been earlier in the year, being one of the older members of your circle of friends. They had gloated at first about the tattoo of fate, but had never shown it, claiming it was still “healing.”

But when news got out that their fated tattoo was a pair of intertwining chains, the smug pride turned into aggressive defiance.

You recognised the irony and understood their tattoo as they turned from one person into another. They had chained themselves into that fate, by fearing the chains on their leg, they could never stop worrying. So focused on the fate they could have, that they had chained themself into it. Just as the Fates had fortold.

This is why you hesitated.

If you were to be told your future, how would you live without it constantly on your mind? And what if it was something so ambiguous you would be trapped to never know and live in fear of what could be?

Or you could remain at peace with the ignorant bliss of letting the universe guide you.

Life would unravel as it was fated to.

A tough decision, but one you found yourself taking very little time to mull over.

You would get it in a place you could never see, in a place a mirror would be required to even catch a glimpse. You would live alongside your fate, and see if what was predicted would come true.

And when the day came for your appointment you told the Fates your plan and they beamed at you.

“As you wish.”

As they crafted the artwork that secured your future, unknown to you, the image of freedom made its home in your skin.

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