Write a poem about pet peeves.
Little things that annoy you – perhaps they are stand-ins for bigger problems, perhaps they are nothing more.
It’s In The Past
Buried the pain
Of us together
Burried the betrayal
Of memories gone stale
As days fade the memories return
A painful tale I can’t tell
Trauma stays around me
Panic claws at me
Emotions held back boil
Trying to keep everything under soil
Mother makes my blood boil
What’s wrong
Talk to me
Tell me the truth
I asked you a question
I don’t need their help
Iv faced hell alone
I retell the tale
Tears streaming down
Can’t stand can’t think
It hurts to much
But mother keeps probing
Making me bring up matters
That left me shattered.
Once I bleed my heart out on depth ears
They retell the lies to calm my fears
She’ll come back
No she won’t I saw quietly
Empathy my parents lack
I go to my room
Listen to music
Try to forget the searing memories
Listing to the words you never said
Just leave it in the past mom
Next day she’s all cheerful
Like the convo wasn’t fearful
She asked me why I seem off
I just fake a smile and move on
Till the feelings resurface
One day she’ll come back mom says
Lies if she really cares then we’re she at then?
I try my best to move on
But goodbyes are hard
And the pain won’t go