The Heist

“You look ravishing as always,” the man says as he holds out his hand.

“Thank you,” the woman replies with a sly smile, taking his hand.

They dance strategically around the palace’s ballroom, moving closer and closer to a side entry.

“Are you ready?” She whispers in his ear. He nods once, and she pulls out a compact mirror, pressing the button hidden inside. Two minutes later, one of the smaller chandeliers on the opposite side of the room explodes into tiny pieces. The pair takes advantage of the chaos, moving through the door and into the hallway, heading to the lower levels where they know the safe room to be. After emptying the safe’s contents, she kisses him.

“I’m sorry” She says, taking one last look at his astonished expression as she pushes him back towards where the guards have appeared at the end of the hallway and runs.

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