Think of the last meal you cooked or ate. Write a story using the ingredients as main characters.

Be as creative as possible with this prompt; perhaps the tastes, colours or textures match the personalities of the characters.

Pineapple Pizza

It was a forbidden love. This worlds Romeo and Juliet. A couple that was laughed at, ridiculed. But they knew in their hearts-they were meant to be. “Hey look at that,” said one of the curious bystanders, pointing towards an odd pair. Everyone turned their heads and gasped, their faces contorted into ones of disgust and terror. When looking at those faces, many thought that there was a murderer, possibly a terrorist;maybe even-worst of all-a child. But when they searched for the source of those reactions, they wished it was those things. They would’ve much preferred an insane man shooting everyone in sight-or even a child-to… that. It was two very popular students. The whole school knew who they were. They were nefarious for their affairs and scandals. They had many friends in the large school and were well liked yet it was preposterous to even imagine those two together. It was Pineapple and Pizza. “Don’t mind them, Pizza.” Pineapple continued “Just ignore them.” “Pineapple, I would never be swayed by those ignorant fools- we were always meant to be, and nothing will change that.” Pizza reassured Pineapple. Pineapple nodded, lowering her gaze as a bright red blush took over her face. Sirens. The sounds of cars rushing towards their location alerted everyone in the vicinity and took them out of their thoughts. “DON’T FEAR, I’VE CALLED FOR REINFORCEMENTS!” A person shouted. “Thank god.” Someone in the crowd could be heard muttering The whole group of people let out a unanimous sigh of relief as they heard the police cars pulling up. Except for two. “#%?@,PINEAPPLE, THEY’RE ON TO US, RUN!” Pizza bellowed as he took Pineapples hand and sprinted in the opposite direction of the incoming police cars. “STOP RIGHT ‘ERE AND PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE ‘EM” an officer shouted at the two people on the run. In the back of the vehicle, ragged and fast breaths could be heard, the clicking of a foot repeatedly tapping the floor resounded across the car. “Hey, isn’t this too much?” The source of the sound asked “I mean…” he continued “..It’s Pineapple and Pizza were talking about here, and they’re together. We can’t stop that.” “Officer Kale..” the man next to the driver softly said, “If we don’t stop these two criminals before it gets out of hand, then who will?” Kale winced, he wasn’t cut out for something so big. He was just a rookie. “IN HERE” Pizza led Pineapple to an abandoned building just around the corner from where they previously were, “They won’t find us in here.” They hid in one of the dusty grey cabinets that lined the left half of the first room they entered. But suddenly unbeknownst to the couple, the sky contorted into a dark colourless circle right above the building, distorting the clear blue and devouring the passing clouds. Out of the abyss emerged a ginormous hand, nothing like anything anyone had seen before. The police car abruptly stopped and the inhabitants turned towards the unknown thing and the gaping pitch black hole it emerged out of. Everyone looked towards it. God? The hand reached through the rusty building, going through all solid matter. People collapsed onto their knees. Some prayed to the thing. Others began to sob. Was this the end? They all asked themselves And out of the building, the hand re-emerged; this time clutching on to two people. “WHAT’S GOING ON? Pineapple sobbed, “ARE WE GOING TO DIE?” Pizza couldn’t answer. He stood their blankly, not knowing what was going on. All he knew was that it wasn’t going to be good for him and his forbidden lover. The hand vanished as quickly as it came and nothing changed from the ordinary life of the worlds civilians. Except two people went missing. Many search parties went looking for them. Their families and previous lovers all grieved for them. But they were never found;not even their bodies. After all, they were no longer in that world. And they weren’t alive to tell the tale- or go back to their previous lives. Pineapples body had been chopped, crudely sliced and placed on top of Pizza’s;who’s body had been stretched so thin he was now a thin, greasy circle from all the sweat that soaked into him from the panic he experienced before his demise.
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