You purchase a vintage handbag from a charity store and find a letter inside from the previous owner to their true love.

Whether you decide to include the contents of the letter or not, write a story continuing from this scenario.

Grandpa Tom

“How much?” I ask the owner of the store,

“That’s 25.” She says from behind the shop counter.

“Hmm..” I say peeking inside it, It could use some cleaning, but after that it would be quite pretty.

“I’ll buy it” I say walking up to the counter and setting it on the surface.

After I’ve given her the money, I walk out the door making it ring.

Cheerfully I walk home, happy with my new purchase.

As I open the door to my house, my vision is suddenly filled with golden blonde hair.

“Down! Down Gold!”

I finally succeed to push her of of me, then proceed to take of my coat.

My one year old golden retriever, Goldilocks. is already the size of a fully grown dog, and can almost topple me over.

“Look Goldilocks! I found an awesome vintage handbag for only 25 bucks!”

I say excitedly, I’ve always loved old things.

But I’m pretty sure Goldilocks thinks I’m crazy.

She then start’s whining at me with big puppy eyes.

“Okay, okay.” I say laughing.

“Dinner time for Goldie.”

She follows me, and in an instant turns from puppy eyed sad dog, into a tail wagging happy dog.

After I pour Goldilocks dinner I sit down on my couch to check out the handbag, the outside is red with gold threaded feathers and the inside is filled with green velvet and dust, I notice a pocket about the size of my hand on the left side of the bag almost concealed by the folds of velvet.

I reach inside it feeling around, I gasp as my fingers close around a small letter, slowly I pull it out and bring it into the sunlight that is streaming through the window above.

I can tell the letter is old for its corners are starting to yellow and the ink has faded into a dull gray, I read the name "Marissa” before turning it over and opening it, the seal is already broken so it must have been opened before.

I slowly become lost in the words as my eyes roam over the paper,

My dearest Marissa,

I write to you, hoping that you will receive this letter, and that it will not be lost at sea.

I think of you and our children every day, from the moment I wake to the moment I go to sleep.

Please do not worry about me I’m doing fine here, please tell the children to continue to make friends and to love their Mother as much as I do, and please tell them that my love for them and for you will live on forever for it is that powerful.

I will be home as soon as I can.

Lots of love, Tom.

December 2nd 1935

December 1935?!

That was like 85 years ago!

It’s a miracle that it’s still here!

“I have to go back!” I say standing up,

“Goldie I’m going out again, you wanna come?”

She barks in reply, so I put her leash and head out the door.

I arrive at the store cheeks flushed from the cold,

“Hi again!” I say to the owner of the store

“I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the handbag I just bought, I found a letter in it that was supposedly from 1935, do you know who you got the handbag from?

“Hmmm, I’ll look in the back and see if I can find anything about the previous owner.”

She says, disappearing into the back room.

She returns with a slip of paper in her hand,

“I found their home address” she says handing me the paper, “I hope it helps!”

I say thank you and walk home inspecting the paper on the way back, the address is on the edges of town at a retirement house coincidentally it’s the same one my grandma lives in.

The next day I drive to the retirement home.

I ask the women at the desk if she had ever seen a handbag like this, she says no.

I decide to go see Grandma Betsie and ask the same question.

I ride the elevator up to the third floor and knock on room 108, “hello?” My Grandma says opening the door, “Hi Grandma Betsie!” I say gently hugging her, “how are you?”

“Very well, thank you. How about you?”

“I’m doing alright too, I was wondering if you’d ever seen this handbag…?” I say holding it up, I can see her eyes widen in surprise as she takes a closer look “why that’s my old handbag! I thought I had donated it!”

“Wait, this was yours?! Was this letter yours too?” I say handing her the letter

She takes it and turns it over then gasps

“This is it!” She says excitedly “this is the letter Tom gave me!”

“Tom? You mean grandpa Tom?”

Grandpa Tom had died in the war when Mom was little.

“Yes! This was the last letter he sent me.”

Grandma says emotionally,

“I had thought it lost.

This is something I will hold dear to me forever.”

Grandma says, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Hi everybody hope you liked my story, I didn’t edit it so sorry if there’s miss-spells and stuff

Please give me writing tips if you have any

Or just comment anything I’d love to hear from you

Thanks, Queen of ❤️s

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