It Is The Only Way To Survive

“We have to, it is the only way we will survive!” Says the man at the head of the table. His eyes are white, his hair pitch black, shoulder length with long whips of silver. He is fairly young, with a full beard and nice clothes.

“But sir! This is dangerous! What will we do if we don’t have them? What if this does not work the way we wish it to?” Says a man in front of the black haired man. This man is much older. Gray hair and a long beard, forming into a point at the end. He had purple eyes, and hair going down to his feet. He too, is dressed nicely. His expression holds that of worry. He holds himself high, waiting for the other man to respond.

“I told you I’m not changing my mind, we cannot live no longer if we grow. We must sentence them to death immediately! That is my final word on the matter” The man stands up, passing the older man in a rush, his robes flying behind him as he rushes down the stairs. The older man watches him leave, worry gone from his face. He now looks to be anxious, looking back to the table. He then follows the man, back down the staircase,

“Please! Please lady’s and Gentlemen!! The word of our king is to be told to us today. He has a message. And he would much appreciate it if you would all be a bit more quiet!” Yells a young teeenage boy standing on a chair, the common folk were talking, making this more of a socializing place then what it was ment to be. The trumpet men start the anthem, as the man with the black hair and beard walks out to the crowed. “Welcome one and all! I have an anouncement to make.” The king stands, waving at the people. The man smiling. In the background, the older man stands, fear shown on his face. “This, I know will come as a shock to many of you, and this might not make sense for the first few months, but, I assure you this will all make sense after a while. “ the people looked around confused. “The women will be killed.” The silence in the air was strong. The women in the crowd looked petrified, slowly backing away from the king. “Our population is growing too quickly, we must stop this before it gets out of hand.” The king continued explaining, but his words missed there ears, the older man in the background looked devastated.

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