Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.

Can You Hear Me?

Crunch. Crunch. My footsteps reverberate through this vacant place. The sound of my heart beating stings my brain. “Can you hear me?” I call out. Only my own voice responds. Where did you go? Cold wind whips at my cheeks, my scarf billowing in the breeze. I pull it up to shield my face. “Hailey!” I yell. You can’t hear me, wherever you may be. Crunch. Crunch. The snow glistens in the sunlight. Dangling icicles hang overhead, threatening to fall with every echoing footstep. I trudge forward into the light. No signs of life. I see my skis jutting out from the powdery snow, the tip of each just barely breaking the surface. “Hailey!” I call. “Can you hear me?” Can you hear me? I wonder. The mountain rumbles. I look back to the cave. Safety. Would it save me from a second avalanche? I wonder. I thrust my hands into the snow. I rip it away in handfuls, looking for any signs of you. I kick my way through the ice. Still no signs of life. Where did you go?
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