Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
'i'm so confused.'
'it feels like my world is ending.'
'and on top of that i'm stuck on this stupid foggy path and can't even see my own feet!'
emory stamped her bare foot onto the stone beneath. with almost instant regret she felt pain shooting up to her knee forcing her to bend forwards. but she knew she needed to keep walking.
her torn dress dragged through the mud.
when she was younger, she'd followed her parents without question. everything was right in her rosey eyes.
but those who have power, like her parents, easily turn corrupt.
a tear fell down her cheek.
she hadn't wanted to run away. she doesn't want to leave.
but staying would be ignoring the wrong doings of her role models.
emory wiped her eyes. and as she opened them again, she realised that the fog was clearing. the young girl glanced down, and to her delight she could see her feet.
and she could see the path that lay before her.
it was clear now.