The Curse

Nobody will understand. See, I get it. I don’t make much sense. And that’s fine! But when they start to mess with him… well lets just say it isn’t my fault what happens next.

Leah always messed with me. Playing pranks. Calling me names. Dropping her lunch in my lap. The usual. But… i’d been able to deal with this for a long time. I was used to it by now. But when you mess with my brother… that’s when its too far.

“You little pig.” She chuckled staring at my brother Alfie.

Everyone in the cafeteria went silent as my brother turned a bright shade of red.

“Why don’t you give someone else a chance?” Leah pointed to the cake on his plate. “Of course YOU got the biggest slice.” She rolled her eyes and got her gang to laugh along with her.

As she threw more insults at him, tears whirled up in his eyes, and he looked helpless.

That’s when it happened. The feeling filled up inside me again. The sharp, stabbing pain pounced into my lung, and i couldn’t breathe. All of a sudden, the monster inside me took over. I lurched for Leah, chucking her against the wall. Alfie reached over to me, whispering calming words in my ear. Slowly, I calmed down.

Now obviously i got a detention and everything. Blah blah. That’s not the big deal. See… Leah returned for round two later that day.

As i wandered out of school, Alfie by my side, I apologised over and over again for my actions. As always, he was fine with it, just checking i was ok. And that’s when she walked up to us. Now, to understand why she can release this being inside me so easily, you’ll have to understand our relationship.

From the age of 3, we were BEST friends. Sooo close. Then, she became cool… but we stayed pretty close. But once we started high school, everything changed. She took that as her chance to leave me. And to be honest, i would have been okay with it if she hadn’t turned to bullying instead. The worst thing was, she knew why i was like this and why my brother had become slightly overweight. Since our dad passed, I couldn’t control myself. And Alfie, had taken to overeating to keep himself sane. But… there was one thing I knew about her. When her mum had passed at the age of 12, she had taken the opposite turn to Alfie, and had stopped eating entirely. And i knew now was the perfect time to bring it up.

“You can’t say a thing.” I hissed as Leah met my eyes with a glare.

She swore at me, knowing in an instant what i meant. “You promised to never bring that up!” She screamed. “You promised!”

That was the turning point. I’d promised?! She’d promised to keep hundreds of things secret yet everyone in school “somehow” found out. She’d promised to never turn against me. Now look where she was.

The next moment was a blur. I lunged for her, Alfie yelling behind me. Then we landed on the ground. Her breathing was muffled and short. She screamed, but it came out a whisper. The last thing I remember, is her hand, limp in the grass.

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