Write a story from the perspective of a character who has extreme and eccentric superstitions.
They’re Watching
_Stop it! You’re going to get us both killed!_
“Lalala~ blah blah blah, bleh…”
“What’s wrong with you?” Derek raised an eyebrow.
Dana ruffled Derek’s hair until it looked completely uncool.
Derek looked up at her with an amused smile.
Dana started doing the chicken dance around the kitchen.
“Are you high?”
Derek wouldn’t know that Dana was doing all this to save the both of them.
Whatever dangerous that lay beyond the realm of the living was watching them and judging whether they were the right prey.
Derek didn’t know, so Dana had to do all the work.
There was one universal pattern in all horror.
It was that its victims never acted weird and in most cases, acted pretty cool.
Derek was too smooth, so Dana had to average out their score.
With this logical reasoning, Dana continued to do uncool things as she occasionally checked the earlier warning signs.
_The rapping noise stopped. The apprehensive silence was now replaced by birds and children’s voices. And the darkness from the window has lightened._
Confirming all these, Dana finally stopped and threw herself into Derek’s arms, eyes shut firmly and shaking in relief.
“Nice try, but you’re too late.”
Dana froze rigidly, as Derek trapped her in his arms.
She struggled to escape his grasp but to no avail.
Catching his strangely vacant eyes, Dana started screaming and attacking.
She prayed Derek would let go and react with a confused expression as she pounded on his chest with her fists.
But then his eyes suddenly locked onto hers and a smile that was too wide showed all of his teeth.