Conquer The Kitchen

Rodents out on a stroll,

Looking for drinks, bites, and more

But no one likes mice or critters, so

They look for quieter sections.

Inside they hide, until they find

Food good enough to swallow.

If the owner ever realizes,

They’ll be gone by tomorrow.

Outside they won't survive

So inside they must hide.

Rodents out on a stroll,

It’s been two weeks since they moved in.

Looking for something that they like

They move into the kitchen at night.

They bite into what’s left behind

Crumbs of food left out in the open.

Closed mouths don’t get fed,

So they ate without precaution.

Little did they know, the food they ate had been poisoned.

They lay there dead,

As the night turned into morning.

Rodents out on the floor,

Came from places I don’t know

Fed them poison to control the pests

That spread inside my home.

Led their bodies, to rest, inside the furnace

To burn their lifeless bodies

Before I could, there they stood alive

Then ran away from my estate.

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