Write a story in which your main character's heroic actions actually make a situation worse.

You can write in any genre (the 'heroic action' doesn't have to be superhero style!) but try to think about realistic ways that good intentions could turn out badly.

Look Out!

Today’s the day I would finally meet him face-to-face. After xxx days of community quarantine, things were finally getting back to normal and we could now go out. Through weeks and months of chatting, today would be our first, offline date.

“I’m already here.” We both texted each other at the same time. There he was, on the other side of the street, smiling beamingly. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, the warmth fill up my cheeks. I could tell that he was feeling the same with the glint in his eyes as he was... absentmindedly crossing the street.

A car was fast approaching his way.

“Look out!” I shouted. My instincts kicked in. Without thinking, I rushed and tried to push him out of the way.

Everything happened so fast. My mind barely had the time to process how I got hit and thrown several meters away.

Blood blurring my vision, I saw shocked from this mishap. I managed to push him. There he was on the other lane, where he was safe from the car that hit me.

But not from the truck careering his way.

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