Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
The Devil Never Sleeps
“We all knew she was gonna turn to the dark side, we just did.”
Deb woke up at 7:00 in the morning.She knew the roaring engines of the school bus would deafen the village by 8:30 so she woke up early to have breakfast and get ready to go to her unhappy place: school.
Deb had long brunette hair with eyes as brown as chocolate. She had a decent circle of friends and she truly tried to get along with everyone however, like most schools, there was always that group of people that would test her patience with not a single staff member taking such incidents seriously.
When Deb’s mum helped her get ready for school, she asked her mum whether she thinks the school will understand her one dsy and she calmly replied “I hope so” which was better than nothing to her so she kissed her mum with a smile and hopped onto the school bus.
Thr school bus was full of students chattering and laughing amongst themselves, she sauntered over to see her friends who saved a seat for her and with her smile slightly widening, she set with her friends as the school bus started to move again.
“Hi Deb, did you watch that series last night? It’s called “The Devil Never sleeps”, I think you’ll like it since you love Horror”. Alison said with a grin “I might consider it because the reviews look awesome but isn’t it about Murder? “Who cares! If it’s fun it’s fun!”.
Alison was Deb’s star player in the squad. She liked most of the things Deb liked like Horror and Murder mysteries. She had fiery red hair tied in a pint tail that swished even when it was a windy day like today, she always hangs out with Deb and they always look out for eachother like soulmates.
“Deb, I forgot to complete my History homework, I’m so screwed!” Rhonda exclaimed anxiously. “How about I vouch for you then?” Deb asked “Are you sure? You’ll probably get into-“ “It doesn’t matter, I’m stronger now, I clearly don’t care about those who will pick on you or even me for that matter!”.
Rhonda was Deb’s other friend in her friendship circle. She wasn’t necessarily Deb’s favorite but she liked her anyway. Rhonda had curly ginger hair with hazel eyes and she has diwsfs been a worrybucket. It’s very rare Deb offers to advocate for someone to get out of trouble hdcshse she knows she’ll get into trouble herself.
When the school bus stopped and dropped thf gigls off at school, ti their surprise, they realised their first lesson was History do it was time to face the music.
The teacher, Mrs Karen, prowled towards a very anxious Rhonda the minute everyone took their seats and then she asked that threatening question: where is Rhonda’s homework?
Mrs Karen had ice-white hair with sinister-looking glasses. Sgd had skwsfs been a teacher most feared and this scenario proved that but Judy Shen chef was about to yell at Rhonda…
“SHUT UP MISS! JUST SHUT UP!” Yelled Deb. The whole classroom fell silent as Deb stormed out the classroom. She’s usually not like this she’s usually very well- behaved.
Mrs Karen started searching for Deb all over the school until she found her on the school field where no inf is allowed. She was sitting on the grass and when Deb locked eyes with a very angry Mrs Karen, she screeched with a scowling face and started climbing up the fence until she was now nowhere to be found.
“What has truly happened to Deb? That once innocent girl, maybe it’s true; thf ddvjl never sleeps, it’s inside her!