Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
Leaving Home
Raya was never treated fairly in her life. Her family always treated her little brother better. He got everything he wanted. She didn’t.
One day she was done after her parents yelled at her for coming home 15 minutes late, even though her brother could come home as late as he wanted to. She went to her room, took all her things and wrote a letter.
In the letter stood: Hey mom, dad. I’m gonna live on my own. I’m safe. Don’t contact me. Tell Kole (her little brother) that I love him and it isn’t his fault. It is both your fault. I hate you. Goodbye. I Hope to Never see you again.
She then puts the note on her bed, takes her bags and walks out the house, to her car, where she puts the bags in the backseat. After she gets in the car and drives to her apartment.
She will NEVER go back there.