'Farewell, my almost lover'
End your poem with this line, reflecting on lost love.
My Almost Lover
Leaves fall behind me
As I saunter through the path of the night.
A taunted silence to them
Laced by the dreaded lightness they ensue.
Covered by the heavy weight bearing my chest.
Each step weighted by heartache
A tale ended by disaster
A tale in which could have lasted forever.
One poets could have dreamed to write about.
One in which only I could have encountered in full detail.
One of love.
A future beyond comprehension.
Just as the sky meets the waves
As the moon acompanies the stars.
All stripped by the power of life.
Now I saunter through the path of the night.
A taunted silence issued over me as I approch where you lie.
Its not your fault my dear.
This world was utterly too small to bear our love.
It has taken you before we could conquer the world.
Forever in my heart.
Always in my mind.
Till we meet again.
Farwhell, my almost lover.