Coming home

The old woman gazes up at the tower at the top and smiles serenely to herself, she was almost there! Almost home. She hadn’t been here for hundreds of years but now the time had come. She took in a deep breath in, let it out slowly and continued on her way.

As she climbed up and up, she thought about her life. It had been a good life, a fulfilling life, but a lonely one too. She had met many, many people over the years but only one stayed, only one she could call her friend. It was her fault, she couldn’t go through the pain of losing someone again. She made that mistake early on in her life and it was too unbearable, and still was. She had loved him so much, and to have him leave her was heartbreaking, knowing she had to endure a long life without him.

So she made the decision to let people come and go, and that suited her. But the hole in her life made by him was never filled and that was sad. But she carried on with her life, moving every 30 years or so to a new village so as not to raise suspicion. In each new home she quickly established herself as a healer and her new life would begin. Villagers would always flock to her for remedies, advice and comfort. But after the day was done and her door was shut the isolation would close around her.

And then 2 weeks ago she was visited by a handsome young man who came and sat by her fire and spoke to her. She knew who he was and why he was here, she’d been waiting for him for many years now. She nodded as he gave the instructions and then he left. She didn’t feel any sadness, only true calm. The next week she readied herself for departure. She spoke to her apprentice and told him it was his job now to continue, he was ready. She gave away some possessions to certain villagers that she knew would be appreciative, and then packed a small bag for herself.

Early the next morning she set off. The journey would not be long or difficult, until the very last part, and she enjoyed passing through villages on her way and sleeping amongst the sheep, under the stars. She noticed as she neared her destination that her hands were ageing and she could feel the wrinkles on her face. She was growing old at last.

And so she finds herself walking up the path that she had descended many years ago, then filled with the excitement of her life starting, now filled with the serenity of knowing her life is ending.

She reaches the top and knocks on the large door. It is opened by a hooded man who steps aside to allow her to pass. They nod to each other but no word is spoken, there is no need. She walks through the long high-ceilinged hall and climbs up the staircase, suddenly weary. She remembers exactly where her room is and enters. It is precisely as she left it. She sits on the edge of the bed and spends a moment giving thanks for her life. Then she lays down a smile on her face. She sighs and then closes her eyes for the last time.

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