Submitted by Maranda Quinn

Write a poem which includes the motif of doors.

Whether open or closed, doors can be used to represent many different things.


When one door closes, another opens.

Yet I am trapped in these four walls.

For me, one has closed and has stayed so,

No escape from ceiling to floor.

Just me as it always has been.

If I close my eyes and think hard enough,

I imagine I have keys to a door

right in front of me.

I reach into my pocket pushing aside gum and other miscellaneous items,

and reach for the heavy brass key that I know fits.

I look for the lock on the door,

and slide it into the orifice.

I twist the key in the lock,

lower the handle

And as long as I keep my eyes shut from the darkness outside of my eyelids

I am freed to blue skies,

freshly cut grass, the love of my life

and a Porsche parked on the street that is ready to drive into the horizon.

My love and I bound into the car.

I push her hair back with one hand

Staring lovingly into her eyes

We kiss, one hand on the steering wheel.

I reach into my pocket to search for the keys

And as I grasp and fingers meet thumb,

Darkness surrounds me once more

As my eyes open I notice,

No girl, no blue sky

And most tragically

No door.

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