
I know thereā€™s things Iā€™m missing, things that have been stolen from me by my own being.

That feeling of being left out, of knowing you canā€™t share your past with others and making connection almost impossible _is_ me.

It characterizes me.

Embodies me.

I donā€™t feel drowned, no, I feel blasted into oblivion whenever I try to search for things that arenā€™t thereā€”erased from existence because I donā€™t have a simple thing.

I know itā€™s something so small, but I feelā€¦inhuman. Is memory loss supposed to start this young? Is it supposed to feel like this? This emptiness.

I canā€™t remember my first day of school; my last day. I canā€™t even remember last year, what I did, what I didnā€™t do. I can only remember faces, bodies, smiles. No words, no dialogue, no scenery or smells.

And when I hear people, children, teachers, talking about their favorite memories, writing about them, I feelā€¦.

So I lie, I create things from my dreams and convince myself itā€™s reality. Is it a bad thing that it works? Sometimes I donā€™t know whether somethingā€™s true or not because Iā€™ve told myself over and over again that itā€™s happened.

Maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m a good liar. Maybe thatā€™s why my own parents donā€™t trust me. Because of _me_ of who I _am_!

Or maybe Iā€™m just thinking stuff over again.

Am I realā€¦or is this all just a simulation?

Are my memories going away every time I make a mistake and am trying the simulation again?

I canā€™t connect. I canā€™t connect! They speak and ask: ā€œDo you remember this?ā€ And I say yes, I smile, shake my head.

But I donā€™t!

**I donā€™t!**

Iā€™m too young to be like this! Living like this, right?

I should have moreā€”I deserve moreā€”than just stupid thoughts and remembers of faces and bodies and facial features and eyes and nose and lips, teeth, hair, anger, pain, sadness regret remorse tears blood tissue.

I want to feel, be in that memory. I want to smell something and know automatically where I remember it from; same when I look at things, feel things.

My body knows, but my brain refuses. It likes torturing me in such ways as well as others.

I want to look outside that window that disconnects me from reality, from interactions.

I just wanna be a normal fourteen-year old.

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